Are you living in a Retirement home?

My friend was talking to an elderly couple in their 80’s she met at an outpatients facility and who had recently been married. That in itself was another story. What caught her immediate attention was when the elderly man gave account of his visit to the outpatients facility. A returning national who had lived some 30 odd years working abroad, was just grateful to be home to relax. Maintaining his early 4 am routine of prays and breakfast with the wife,  this elderly couple was out of the house by 5 am. He explained that he came weekly to have a battery of checks done but, this week he was told that the checks could not be completed because the instrument had no batteries. With no more to be done or said, he was just told to return next week. Granted, all I have now is time but, no one even bothered to asked if I had any another plans, was I able to return, did I have anyone to assist me with my return. When asked what he thought about the situation, his only comment was, we are surely living in a retirement home. My friend understood what that old gentlemen meant, how hard would it be just to get a battery, to show some interest in what was happening. How do you se the workforce in your country?

Author: Tricia Lorde-Cummins

Entrepreneur, Blogger, Innovator, family pioneer, and Business woman. Life experiences have brought me to this point but, a desire to be a better me will take me to the future.